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Tekken 2
Classic Catalog September 29, 1995 00:00

Tekken 2 83

Tekken 2 is the second game in the Tekken series. All of the characters from Tekken returned (with the exception of Jack, who is replaced by Jack-2 in this game). Eight new characters were added to the character roster (including Jack-2). The game features 25 playable characters. Released in arcades in 1995, and was released for the PlayStation in 1996 worldwide. Aside from winning rave reviews from the critics, it was the number one arcade game in America for 24 straight weeks and sold 3,000,000 copies worldwide on the PlayStation console. It had opening day sales of 250,000, which was a record at the time.

Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Classic Catalog January 26, 1999 00:00

Garou: Mark of the Wolves 79

If you thought you'd seen the last of the incredible Garou: Mark of The Wolves series, you were sorely mistaken. Join classic brawlers and fresh finds (there are 11 new additions in all) for the fighting experience of the decade. The game's three unique modes of play include Offensive, Defensive, and Tactical, and there are plenty of Super Moves and Hidden Abilities to unlock. The realm of 2D fighting has rarely been this exciting, and it gets even more addicting when you play against a friend.

War Of The Monsters
Classic Catalog January 14, 2003 00:00

War Of The Monsters 74

Get ready to embody the soul of a 100-foot tall monstrosity as you clash with opponents in thriving cities, run rampant through bustling streets, pulverize opponents with body slams and fight off military defenses. War of the Monsters enables you to re-live your favorite monster movies with ten different creatures engaging in all out carnage. Ten fully interactive environments offer numerous weapons, including steel girders, radio antenna, moving vehicles, building rubble, army tanks and more. Clobber opponents with thunderous uppercuts, hand-to-hand weapons and destructive special attacks. Use huge hunks of debris as a shield, topple buildings onto your foes or pick up and throw tanker trucks like toys. Take advantage of environmental attacks such as tidal waves and earthquakes to defeat your opponent and claim total domination.